Oral and Dental Health in Babies

Oral and Dental Health in Babies

The first visit to the dentist should be made on the first birthday or with the eruption of the first tooth. Remember that early diagnosis is the most important step in preventing future problems. Families, pediatricians and dentists have different opinions about the age at which the first dentist visit should be made. Many dentists tell families that they should bring their children to the dentist when all milk teeth appear in the mouth (about 2-3 years old). In fact, some dentists think that it is necessary to wait until the age of 6 years. However, waiting for such a long time can cause oral-dental health problems in children to be more serious.

AAPD (American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry); He stated that with the eruption of the first milk tooth, that is, in the first 6-9 months, or before the first birthday of the child, a dentist (Pedodontist) examination should be done. In this first examination, families are made aware of the baby’s oral and dental care, and problems that can be detected in the child in the early period are evaluated. In the first examination, the baby is usually placed on the mother’s knees and a visual intraoral examination is performed. In this session, it is determined whether the child is in the risk group in terms of nutritional habits, tooth development and caries, and the next dentist visit time is determined according to the child’s current condition. The pedodontist also keeps records of the child by evaluating whether the baby’s oral and dental development is normal. In addition, the evaluation of whether your baby needs Fluor or not is decided at this first visit. The baby’s habits such as thumb sucking, pacifier and bottle use are also evaluated in this session, and families are made aware of changing habits.

The most important reason for bringing your child to a Pedodontist or dentist at an early age is the reason for the start of preventive dentistry practices, which will continue throughout his life, at this age. Dental problems start early. The most common problem; It is a very rapidly progressive and destructive dental caries called “Early Childhood Caries” (Bottle Caries). Your child may be at risk for this form of cavities, especially if they are bottle-fed or have irregular meals. The earlier the first visit, the easier it is to prevent dental problems. Remember that your children with healthy teeth can chew food well, draw letters properly, and laugh with confidence.