

Root canal treatment is a form of treatment that becomes a mandatory requirement as a result of bacterial growth in the pulp chamber, where the living tissues inside the tooth are housed, after the tooth has been traumatized and decayed by bacteria.


In Which Situations Is It Applied? In cases where root canal treatment is performed, the nerves of the tooth must be emptied. Root canal treatment is performed as a result of the decay progresses too far and causing pain to the nerve tissue, the tooth loses its function due to various traumas or other reasons, and infections start at the root tip.


How Do You Know You Need Root Canal Treatment? There are multiple symptoms that cause a person to need root canal treatment. At the beginning of these, we can show the hot-cold sensitivity experienced in the tooth. Moreover; Having unexplained pain at night, feeling pain in that area while eating, discoloration of the tooth and swelling on the face as a result of abscess are the signs that indicate that root canal treatment is required.


How Make is Root Ttreatment? Root canal treatment is a procedure performed under local anesthesia. After the area with the tooth is anesthetized, the tooth is opened with special equipment and the pulp chamber in the middle of the tooth is reached. The pulp chamber is an empty chamber where the nerves and vessels of the tooth are located. This room needs to be completely cleaned. Under this room, there are channels towards the tooth roots. The purpose of root canal treatment, as the name suggests, is the cleaning and filling of these areas. With special needles and tips, the soft and infected tissues in these canals are completely cleaned, the root canals are widened, and the tooth is filled with specially produced canal pastes and fillings and covered with permanent filling.


What Should Be Considered During the Treatment? Nothing should be eaten or drunk until the effect of the anesthesia applied in root canal treatment wears off. During the treatment, hard and sticky foods such as nuts and chewing gum should not be preferred in the area where the root canal treatment is performed.


Is pain felt during root canal treatment? Root canal treatment is not a painful treatment contrary to fear. Under normal conditions, limited anesthesia is sufficient for this treatment.