Gum disease is caused by multiple causes. One of these reasons is bleeding during tooth brushing. Swelling and redness of the gums, inflamed discharge between the teeth and gums, bad breath, the formation of gaps between the teeth or the increase in the existing gaps, the appearance of black areas on the edges of the gums or between the teeth due to calculus are also the harbingers of gum disease. The following treatments are applied in our clinic;
Symptoms: Bleeding, gingival swelling, redness, gingival recession and sensitivity on exposed root surfaces, black areas on the edges of the gingiva or between the teeth due to tartar, inflammation between the tooth and the gingiva, swaying of the teeth, elongation, tooth decay. displacement, bad odor and taste in the mouth.
Causes: Soft appendages called bacterial plaque, which accumulate in the mouth, and hard attachments called calculus are the main cause of gum disease. If these attachments are not removed from the mouth; In short, if individuals do not brush properly and do not pay attention to dental hygiene, gum disease develops. Removal of dental plaque by daily brushing and use of dental floss is the basic requirement for a healthy mouth. If plaque is not removed from the teeth effectively, it turns into an irregular surface and permeable structure known as calculus and tartar. Harmful products released by the bacteria in the plaque cause irritation in the gums. Due to these products, the fibers that bind the gingiva to the tooth are destroyed, the gingiva moves away from the tooth and a periodontal pocket is formed. Thus, it is easier for bacteria and their products to progress to deeper tissues. As the disease progresses, the pocket gets deeper, the bacteria go deeper; It progresses to the bone and destruction begins in the alveolar bone that supports the tooth. If the disease is left untreated, eventually the teeth will become loose and may even need extractions.
Treatment:In this sense, the determinant is the period in which the gum disease is experienced. If the patient is at an early stage, scaling and root surface straightening are usually performed. In this process, bacterial deposits and tartar are removed from the pockets around the teeth and the root surfaces are smoothed. With these processes, bacteria and toxin substances that cause inflammation are removed from the mouth. In cases where gum disease is advanced, there is a possibility of surgical intervention. With the intervention, it is aimed to achieve healing by removing the dental calculus and diseased tissues in the deep pockets in the environment. After the treatment is completed, patients should come for regular check-ups. The only way to preserve the positive results obtained with periodontal treatment is to brush the teeth, to use dental floss regularly and to use chemicals that remove bacterial deposits from the environment.
Prevention: The most important way to prevent gum diseases is to regularly clean teeth, brush teeth and use dental floss. In addition, even if no symptoms occur, regular physician control is an important factor in the prevention of gum diseases in terms of early diagnosis. For example, dental calculus cleaning at regular intervals; It helps to remove hardened calculus in areas that cannot be cleaned with a toothbrush. Your dentist can make a personal oral care plan based on your specific needs. With this program, you can practice brushing and flossing without damaging your teeth and gums.