24 Nov How is Dental Implant Application Made?
Ali Osman Emiroğlu, Dentist of Emident Oral, Dental and Maxillofacial Clinic, explains how the dental implant application is made.
“The stages of dental implant treatment are primarily treatment planning, examinations, and as a result of these examinations, implant treatment is actually a simpler application than a tooth extraction.”
Implant treatment, which is easy and reliable, is the treatment applied to teeth that have lost their function and aesthetic appearance.
Dental implants are placed in the jawbone by a small surgical procedure in sterile environments by dentists. The implant is completely attached to the jawbone within approximately two to three months after the procedure. After these stages, the implant, which replaces a real tooth root, becomes in a position to carry the prosthesis to be placed on it. In some cases, general anesthesia can be applied to patients. In order for implant application to be performed, first of all, there must be a bone structure to support the implant and the gums must be healthy. In the absence of these, implants are made with additional bone surgery applications and the success rate is very high.