21 Mar Get Rid of Bad Breath in 10 Steps!
Posted at 20:46h
in Useful Information
- Protect your teeth and gums.
- Have the existing dentures and bridges in the mouth checked.
- Chew gum.
- Use cinnamon.
- For more water.
- Never sleep with a stuffy nose.
- Reduce your consumption of simple sugars.
- Chew the bites well.
- Use of dental floss.
- Do not smoke.
In order to protect oral and dental health and prevent bad breath, all soft and hard tissues (tongue, cheek, lips, salivary glands, etc.) teeth, jaws and jaw joint should be diagnosed and treated.
In this context; Intermittent, rotten, crooked, broken, shape, texture and form disorders are treated. Many methods are used for these treatments, from Orthodontics, Periodontology, Implantology, Prosthetic Treatments, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery applications, as well as illuminated white fillings, porcelain fillings, whitening methods, laser technology and lamina applications.