Dental Health in Pregnancy

Dental Health in Pregnancy

During pregnancy, which is one of the most sensitive periods of women, with the increase in the level of hormones in the body, the teeth and gums of expectant mothers become sensitive. During this period, the changing balances in the mother’s body can cause gum diseases and tooth decay.

First, let’s take a look at the changes that usually occur in the mouth and teeth with the onset of pregnancy and their effects. With the increase in offerings and suggestions for pregnant women to eat more, the signal for satiety is getting late. Not only is it possible to eat more food, it is also to be eaten more often. At this rate, it is not seen that the frequency of tooth brushing increases. Insufficient cleaning of the teeth and elevated levels of estrogen and progesterone hormones can lead to gingivitis, which is manifested by swelling, redness and bleeding of the gums. This picture, called “pregnancy gingivitis”, reaches its most severe level in the eighth month of pregnancy and gradually decreases after delivery. Sometimes the gums overgrow due to inflammation. This ailment, called “pregnancy tumor”, usually goes away gradually after birth. If it bothers you a lot during pregnancy, she can go to the dentist.

If there are cavities on the teeth that have started before, they can grow and start to cause pain. Vomiting, especially in the first months, can also cause an acidic environment in the mouth due to the contact of stomach acids with the teeth, thus causing gingivitis and tooth decay. Some women experience an increase in the amount of saliva with the onset of pregnancy, while others experience dry mouth. While the increase in the amount of saliva is healthier as it will allow the teeth to be washed more, its decrease can lead to an increased risk of tooth decay and gingivitis.

Starting from the fact that pregnancy lasts about nine months, this process is divided into three periods of three months. That’s why these periods are called trimesters. The first trimester (1st-3rd months) is the organogenesis period in which organs emerge. During this period, teeth also begin to form. Balanced and qualified nutrition of the mother is important for both the health of the pregnant woman and the health of the baby. It is beneficial to consume milk and dairy products, and to take calcium, phosphorus and vitamins, especially in terms of contributing to the development of teeth. During this period, it is important not to use drugs, not to receive radiation by taking dental x-rays, and not to have dental treatment, except in emergencies. This is the period when pregnant women should be most careful and attentive.

What is the ideal time for dental treatment during pregnancy?

The second trimester (4th-6th months) is the morphogenesis period in which organs are formed and begin to develop. This period is ideal for dental treatments. More comfortable medication can be used, dental x-rays can be taken and dental treatments can be done.
The third trimester (7th-9th months) is the period when organs develop further, pregnancy progresses in every sense and the happy ending is approached. In this period, if possible -except for emergencies- dental treatment should not be done, drugs should not be used and dental x-rays should not be taken.

Visiting the dentist while the pregnancy is planned can almost minimize the problems that will occur during pregnancy. It is good not to need dental treatment and not to receive radiation during the whole pregnancy period, if possible, but if there is severe pain and inflammation, dental treatment by taking the necessary precautions and paying attention to important points in every period without wasting filling, root canal treatment, gum treatment, tooth extraction, etc.), dental x-rays can be taken by wearing a lead apron, drugs suitable for pregnant women can be used in consultation with the obstetrician, and the teeth can be anesthetized with local anesthesia.